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Be Well

Tonya Holly

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

In my twenties, I was on a weight gaining program because I lacked self confidence about my appearance. In my thirties, my mind and body were rebounding from having four children. In my forties, well...that was a blur, but I knew I wanted to be fit by fifty so I can enjoy the seasons to come.

Now in my jubilee years, I have discovered that healthy living is the best living. Without it, you can't really participate, engage, or be there for the people in your life. Trust me, this can be frustrating and even depressing.

It's not about being a particular size or a certain weight, while it's important to have personal goals. It's about living in a body that is fully nourished, healthy, and can take you to your destiny. It's about being in the best shape you can possibly be and that's not round. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good or feel good. No one wants to suffer in the skin they're in or be in pain.

Say this with me,

"My desire is to be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually aware so that I may flourish in my life."

To achieve something, you have to focus on something. So what can you focus on that will bring you success? Is it wholesome, fresh food choices. Maybe getting more rest. What about reducing stress. Should you get more exercise. Can you be more organized. Can you do less and live with less. What relationships could you better invest in or severe. Only you can take responsibility for your overall wellness.

Make this declaration..."It is well with my soul!" Being well comprises your mind, body and soul. Know that you are going to have good days and some bad days. And there will be times in your life where one area will be off the charts, so balanced living is the key to successful living.

Literally, these days, you can't afford to not be healthy. Consider the impact and cost of doctor's visits, medical bills, procedures from hospitalizations, prescription drugs, loss of income from time off from work and missed opportunities with family and friends. What does that calculate out to? Let's start to make better choices.

Be well.

Feel well.

Live well,

Sleep well.

Work Well

Eat well.

Do well.

Attitude Adjustment

Repeat after me..."Healthy is the new wealthy". Say it again and again.

Now eat like you believe it!

It's hard to make good food choices when our culture is riddled with fast food options, buffets-to-go, delivery services, cable cooking shows and don't forget the all your cravings.

You may have heard it said that 'you are what you eat'. So what exactly are you eating? Will your choices help you to be fit and healthy?

Try keeping a food journal for one week and you will quickly discover what you are becoming. Record the portions of everything that you consume, food and beverages. Once you see your weaknesses and the hard data, then tweak your meals to make healthier choices.

Tip: Try using a meal app like My Fitness Pal, Lose it! or iTrackBites.

*List some things you want to add to your diet.

*List some things you want to remove from your diet

If you have medical conditions consult a doctor before making drastic changes. If you want accountability, try meeting regularly with a nutritionist (most insurance plans cover) or join a healthy eating support group.

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Larry Arrington
Larry Arrington
Oct 29, 2020

Great advice!


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