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Be Patient

Wait. For. It....

How many times a week do you hear "please be patient" , "thank you for your patience" or "wait a minute"? How many times do you say those exact phrases to someone? might as well just say.... "get used to waiting" because often times waiting is part of the process of being patient. And we, me and you, often don't want to recognize that daily truth. We want it to happen when?.. right now, this very second, not later.

Maybe your day sounds a little like this...

You're policy expires this week, they put you on hold for forty minutes, listening to a lot of pre-recorded options, while the elevator music plays for another thirty minutes, and finally your phone call bounces around until a live insurance representative picks up the line to assist you with the changes. (Be patient not snippy) long does it take for this kid to tie his shoes! I'm buying only velcro strap from here on out or he will go barefoot. (A learning opportunity to wait patiently)

While in the drive thru, with only one vehicle in front of you, a Coach is ordering for the football team and taking all the fries. (Wait patiently for a fresh, hot batch.)

What about the crazy long line at the grocery store and the Manager has the nerve to put a training cashier on the express lane. I don't have time for this. (Being a new employee is hard enough, stay calm and wait patiently)

You're rushing out the door, speeding down the driveway, left early to beat the school bus traffic and now you're late and frustrated because you hit every traffic light. (Be patient, it just may save your life)

My goodness! He's been watching football all day long. When is game over? I made this dinner and it's time to sit at the table and eat. (Be glad he's home, get first dibs on the wings and wait)

Maybe you called the Doctor for lab reports and wait for 45 seconds , but feels like 10 minutes, while the automated responses are slowly read.. press 1 for hours and directions; press 2 for referrals; press 3 for prescription refills; press 4 if you are a doctor or hospital; press 5 for test results; press 6 for more options; press 7 to repeat these options; press 8 to speak with a nurse; press 0 for the operator. (Listen... this works my nerves too. What do I press to get a live voice quicker)

I apologize for the delay in blogging this New Year. Thank you for your patience. I know it's already six months into the year, but I really do have a good excuse. I'll explain in a second. I had such great intentions after Christmas too. I was preparing to revamp the site with fresh ideas after leaving my job during COVID season. But you know the saying....."life happens" and things are returning to a new normal so stay tuned.

So what happened? Well, my husband took a job in Atlanta the day after Christmas, effective Jan 5th. I had to secure and pack for temporary housing; travel back and forth 1000 miles; find accessible permanent housing; purge and pack 20 years of stuff; still cooking for a party of five; prep a house for sale; and the list goes on. The transition required the utmost of patience and I'm proud to say we survived by maintaining a positive attitude every step of the journey down South.

Attitude Adjustments

If you have ever built anything from scratch,... maybe a cake, a house, a relationship or started a company, then you know that there is always a construction zone. You must be able to bear thru the fear, waiting, cost, trials, adversity, difficulties without complaining.

That recipe calls for a million ingredients and you got stuff

everywhere. The builder has dozens of contractors on site and wont be complete for months. Forging a new relationship is a big time investment. Even though you got the bank loan, finding a location, hiring staff, getting product in for the new store -may take up to a year for a grand opening.

What would a little bit of patience and persistence look like on your job?

How would you behave in the opening scenarios?

What is your attitude when you have to wait for someone who is running late?

Can you wait, with a smile, for your child to finish reading aloud that storybook?

What areas can you come up a level in your patience?

I just want to remind you that we are all a work in progress and our attitudes are always under construction.

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